The Bible states that the human heart is deceitful. Everyone recognizes that to be true. It is not difficult to be mislead about our situations and feelings, even our destructive addictions.
Addictive behavior can begin as pleasure-seeking or a way of coping with or denying emotional issues. However, when the need to feel the emotions created through the activity becomes overwhelming, the risk signs are frequently ignored. An individual can slide into dependence. The reality of the addiction will become apparent to others and there might be disastrous effects on the life of the addict as well as the lives of their friends and families.
Addiction means utilizing a substance or activity for an extended period of time even when its effects have become detrimental. There are an array of behaviors that can indicate addiction, and not just to substances like alcohol or drugs, but to activities as well. Just about anything that creates feelings of enjoyment or relief may become addictive.
Addiction treatment and recovery programs cannot work until one is prepared to admit the reality of their situation.
This frequently involves returning to examine the initial difficulties and feelings that lead to the addiction. Christian recovery programs are a secure, supportive place to deal truthfully with the past, present and future. Christian believers discover that the very best help for addiction is communication with God through prayer.
Addiction is only as strong as the power you give it. What if someone told you that living under God’s strength can defeat your addiction. By handing over control of your desires and appetites to the one who created you, you are able to make use of his power and become a new creation. Do not live in the agony of depression. Become born again today.